minimum wage increase

The thought of increasing mimimum wage from 7.25 dollars per hour to 9 dollars per hour has become major new in congress. The president of the United States believes that this increase would help fellow Americans try to get out of poverty quicker. I totally believe in this statement. The cost of living is rising everyday with gas prices, food, clothing and taxes working a 7.25 job an hour just does not cut it. Even with working full time 40 hours a week at 7.25 an employee would only be making a total of 580 dollars every two weeks before taxes. With the everyday needs of someone with kids, car, rent, food, and other daily expense that does not cut it. New Mexico minimum wage has risen to 8.50 which is a huge stepping stone for other states and the federal to increase theres. Many people would counter attack and say that no matter how much they increase minimum wage if the cost of living keeps increasing then it really wouoldnt change anything. This counter attack is a good one but if the gas prices doesnt increase, try to make living in America more affortable then this increase would benfit America in so many ways. If minimum wage increases then the people whom do not make minimum wage would get a raise and it becomes a snowball effect. The number of American’s on government programs is extrememly high and increasing minimum wage would hopefully reduce that number greatly.

2 responses to “minimum wage increase

  1. The thought of increasing minimum wage makes me happy but at the same time it scares me. I say this because i feel like after they increase the minimum wage companies are going to have an excuse to increase their prices and then the cost of living would be even higher. If this happens Im afraid that we would find ourselves in a never ending cycle.

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