Tail Wags Lower Blood Pressure

petI bet no one has informed you that having a pet can actually make you a happier person. It is true! Research has proven that having animals in your life has multiple benefits to one’s health. I should know I have 2 dogs, 1 cat, and 10 fish; my home is practically a petting zoo. By providing a home to an animal, the elderly gain the opportunity to a healthier lifestyle, unconditional love, and developing a friend for life.

According to Pets for the Elderly, older adults stand to gain even more than young adults in owning a pet.

1) Pets lower blood pressure and pulse rate
2) 21% fewer visits to the doctor
3) Less depression
4) Easier to make friends (enhanced social opportunities)
5) Seniors become more active
6) Pets offer affection and unconditional love
7) Pets ease loss of a loved one
8) Pets fight loneliness
9) Seniors take better care of themselves
10) Sense of security

All of us want to live a healthy lifestyle, by owning an animal studies have shown that older people with animals tend to be more active. Walking the dog not only benefits the dog but also aids in some well needed exercise for the owner as well. Also as indicated above, some researchers believe pets have the ability to lower blood pressure more effectively than medicine. Just by napping with a cuddly friend, or watching a lively kitty chase it’s favorite toythe elderly could gain relaxation that is proven to reduce spikes in blood pressure. With the pressure of fast paced lives that most people face everyone could use a little down time.

7 responses to “Tail Wags Lower Blood Pressure

  1. I like this post. I never thought of it this way, but it makes sense. An older adult having a pet means they aren’t by themselves all the time. This is true especially if their spouse has passed away. They have a friendly companion to live the rest of their life with!

  2. Love this!!! The animals also give the seniors a sense of empowerment by having something to take care of. Especially because their kids now have their own kids and responsibilities. Great post very positive!

  3. I think this is awesome. Having a pet is very beneficial to a person especially if they live alone and do not have many close friends or relatives. Which is the case with most older adults. This gives the person a reason to live most people consider their pets as members of their family. Many people do not realize how having a pet is helpful to heir physical and mental health.

  4. I think I agree with every one else. I have high blood pressure, and I know playing with my moms dogs and cats help out a lot. It seems like a de-stressor! Plus I love animals in general, so I guess I am a little bias!

  5. I really enjoyed reading this article! I had no idea that pets could lower ones blood preassure. I know that they are known to help with anxiety and depression. Occasionally, at my grandfathers assisted living home, pets would be brought in, and it always seemed to put the residents in a really good mood.

  6. Great article! I had general knowledge about older adults owning pets could increase their life span but I did not know the actual reasons behind it or the research. I find it interesting older adults owning pets can lower blood their pressure and decrease doctors visits by 21%!

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