Risky Medicare in the south

Even though there has been a message sent to the health care companies about high-risk medicines not being allowed many of them still provide their seniors with it, especially in the South. The research says that at least ten percent of Southern senior adults are taking one of more for these high-risk medications. There is a significant difference between the Medicare Advantage Enrollees in the Southern states from the ones in Northern States. In Georgian 38% of them are taking high-risk medications compared to the 10% in Iowa. Also there are other characteristics that set these recipients apart from others the majority of them are poor, white and female. These people are more likely to agree to take the more risky medications because they can’t afford the other medication. But this is not fair for them, if the doctors are educated enough to know that these medications can cause malign effects in their patients they should know better and not give it them. It is the responsibility of the doctors to make sure the medications given to them are not harming to their health.

Some of the drugs that are being prescribed to these older adults are ones that takes longer for their bodies to metabolize. These pills would be fine if they were given to younger patients but because the recipients are older adults their bodies cant metabolize the medicine as well as younger people. One of the pills used to reduce blood sugars in diabetic people, specifically one called Chlorpropamide. In younger people this medicine is fine but in alder people they run the risk of getting their sugar too low. I just don’t understand why Doctors are willing to put their clients in such danger, especially if their medical costs are going to be taken care by Medicare. So they know they are going to get paid, no matter which medication they use. The worse part of all of this is that Doctors are not informing their clients of the complications that can happen due to the intake of these medications. So their patients are blindly trusting their Doctors, I guess this calls for us to be even more informed consumers, even at the Doctors Office. images

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