Having Company Might Just Prolong Your Life!



Having a close connection with friends and family just might ward off poor health and premature death. According to a study done by the University of California, San Francisco loneliness is a risk factor for the functional decline and early death in adults over age 60. This study was published in July 2012. The study found that 43 percent of 1,604 participants reported that they often felt left out or isolated or that they lacked companionship. During a six-year follow-up period more than half of the self-identified lonely people had difficulty with basic housekeeping and personal tasks. This group of individuals also had a 45 percent greater risk of dying earlier than older adults who felt more connected to others. Sixty two point five percent of the lonely people were married or living with others. The indication of feeling lonely and being alone are no the same. “It’s not the quantity but the quality of your relationships that matters,” said Dr. Carla M. Perissinotto the geriatrician who led the study. Dr.Perissinotto also stated “You can’t tell who may be feeling lonely, It’s not just a little old lady living all alone.” This study did not investigate why people said they felt lonely. Other studies that have been conducted found that over time chronic loneliness is associated with high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, a diminished immune response, depression, sleep difficulties, cognitive decline and dementia. At this point in time researchers do not understand how loneliness harms health and accelerates aging. This research is alarming to me because the health problems associated with feeling loneliness are life threatening. The older adults that are suffering from the feeling of loneliness should be encouraged by the people around the to find a hobby or adopt a pet to help with the feeling of loneliness. Having a hobby will keep the person active (depending on the active), and the person will use their cognitive abilities and be able to keep them sharp while working on their hobby. Adopting a pet will give the person a companion and give them something to take care of. Having the pet will make the person feel useful and needed.

One response to “Having Company Might Just Prolong Your Life!

  1. That’s why when elderly individuals are transferred into nursing homes usually decline in their mental health and die earlier because they are deprived of the healthy human interaction. Nursing homes are great for those people who are going through severe mental health problems and their families cannot take care of them. But it is not a beneficial place for elderly who can still function on their own, but need occasional assistance. It is an interesting study.

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