The New Mexico Veterans Counseling and Therapy Project

Starting March 15, 2013 New Mexico implemented a new program The New Mexico Veterans Counseling and Therapy Project (NMVC&TP), which will provide free mental health care to veterans who have served in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq for a minimum of one year after their discharge. There are more than 50,000 veterans who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq who lack the access to treatment and are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other related issues from serving in the war. These vets have had little confidence in the Veterans Affairs system and most believe they are not eligible for services or in some cases feel reluctant to receiving mental health care due to the stigma associated with it. That is where this program steps in and gives them adequate care and east access to services. These veterans can now receive help immediately with out having to wait a long time before their veteran benefits applications are processed and completed.

This program not only gives these veterans a safe place to discuss their issues and mental illnesses but also tries to prevent suicide, homelessness, and drug and alcohol addiction, which is far too common among war veterans.

“This is the first collaborative effort between private and state agencies in the country to provide statewide pro-bono mental health counseling for Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans”- Timothy Hale, The New Mexico Department of Veterans’ Services Secretary

According to this article at least 15% out of the 2.4 millions of Americans who have served in Afghanistan or Iraq have some form of post combat behavioral issues or PTSD.

I think this is a great program and I wish more states could start a program like this. These men and women have fought for our country and come home and struggle to live a normal life and need help, which they do not always receive. Due to federal funding cutbacks I know it would be difficult for most states to receive funding for this type of program but hopefully with this being the first program in the United States to offer these war heroes free immediate mental health care when returning home, it will open the door for other states to implement this type of program and receive funding to do so.

Information received from original article “New Mexico Offering Free Mental Health Services to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans” by Christine Salek.

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